Never in Kinsley’s wildest dreams, did he ever expect something good to come from putting that letter in the locker. He had anticipated rejection, and to some extent, that's what he received. Yet, unexpectedly, it also opened the door to everything he had ever yearned for. Despite knowing that Luke is straight, Kinsley strives to convince his heart to give him a break and move on. However you can’t tell your heart how to feel, and as Kinsley delves deeper into Luke’s world, the harder it is for him to let go.
Meanwhile, Luke, unaccustomed to trusting others, grapples with his own emotions. Struggling to get through the abuse that riddles his home life, to push through the uncertainty even though he can’t quite figure out how he truly feels about Kinsley. He is torn between what he’s feeling and whether it’s right. Never could Luke have anticipated that such a simple act as a misplaced letter would unfurl a tapestry of profound significance; if only he could figure out what it all truly means.
What reviewers have to say:
'100 Stars... I've been so emotional for the entire time and I still am. This is a special story, one of those I won't forget and it's definitely one of this year's favourites.'
'4 a.m. will never mean the same to me anymore, it'll always be Sparrow and Green's time.'
'If you need a book with all the feels, pick this up. I couldn't get enough of it!'
'I wish I could 5 star this about 5 times!'
'This book had me in actual shambles. It both shattered my heart and made me kick my feet like a schoolgirl with a silly crush.'
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